T-Liner® by LMK Technologies is a one-piece, homogenous main to lateral connection liner. LMK Pipe Renewal utilizes T-Liner® because once installed, the end user has a structural, stand alone pipe-within a pipe. When coupled with LMK Technologies' proprietary Insignia® seal, T-Liner® end users can expect a watertight, structural barrier preventing further leakage. T-Liner® exceeds compliance with ASTM F-2561 "Standard Practice for Rehabilitation of a Sewer Service Lateral and Its Connection to the Main Using a One Piece Main and Lateral Cured-in-Place Liner."

To you, the flagger:
You have been chosen as a traffic flagger because your supervisor feels you are physically able,
mentally alert, and sufficiently commanding in appearance to be obeyed by the motoring public.
You are an indispensable part of all maintenance and construction operations. We want you to
study the following instructions so that they become second nature. Your life, the lives of your
fellow workers, and the lives of highway users depend upon your alertness and on your ability to
control traffic with your stop-slow sign paddle.